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We now have a comprehensive review model that extends from the offer to the experience obtained from the start-up. This was primarily due to the highly practice-based work, in which all of the team members constantly focused on the most important tasks and process steps. But the in-depth professional experience from ROI also played a crucial role in helping the project to succeed.
Herbert Glaser, Engineering Hydro Generator, Andritz Hydro

Training IoT 63 Survey

Dear all,

This is a series of short surveys, in preparation of our IoT training session. We would appreciate if you could spend some of your valuable time and provide us with your feedback.

Typically, we have larger international groups, with participants, representing different functions and management levels.

This is an anonymous survey, that is designed, to help us understand the background of the participants.

Thank for your time, we are looking forward to meet you in our LEAN FAB.

IoT Team.