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ROI is just the right partner for our company. We jumped into the methodology of manufacturing with both feet. This wouldn’t have been possible without the consultants' detailed know-how about tool manufacture and their multifaceted experience in production. Equally essential to the success of the project was that the consultants worked in a way that was collegial and open. As a result, the enthusiasm can be seen in the entire team, and not just in management.
Julia Esterer,Geschäftsführerin Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Esterer GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugbauten und Anlagen KG



ROI Management Consulting AG

ROI je mezinárodní poradenská společnost s centrálou v Mnichově a pobočkami v Curychu, Vídni, Praze a Pekingu. Od roku 1980 podporuje ROI Management Consulting AG společnosti v jejich snaze zvýšit efektivnost procesů a struktur ve výrobě, logistice, výzkumu a vývoji. V roce 2012 se stala ROI Management Consulting AG vítězem prestižní soutěže deníku Wirschaftswoche v kategorii "supply chain management".
